I have photographed Loch Raven Reservoir many times in the afternoon, in the Evening, and at sunset, but I had never been to the lake at sunrise until this occasion in late July of 2017. My bother-in-law and I arrived about an hour before sunrise and took some time finding a good location with a view across the lake where the sun would be rising. A beautiful scene unfolded as mist began to form on the lake and move rapidly from the edges toward the center. There were geese on the lake and a fishing boat far away on the left side. I saw a large bird flying in the sky and took several pictures, one of which produced this image here. The sun later illuminated the mist on the lake, making for a dramatic scene.  I am surprised that the best image I took this morning was not of the beautiful sight of the mist on the water or of the geese on the lake. Instead it was of a simpler shot with a lone tree on the left and the bird in the sky on the right, which I think makes for an interesting composition. I found sunrise to be every bit as impressive as sunset, and in some ways more enjoyable, and will definitely return to see it again in the future.